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Below are the updated prices for the packages we offer and more information about them. Call (520) 882-5880 or Email us at frontdesk@turnerlabs.com if you have any further questions.
Residential Testing
Turner Laboratories, Inc. has compiled three (3) easy-to-use, cost-effective, and high quality testing packages to meet the water testing needs of homeowners, private well owners, mortgage companies and real estate agents.
Each package includes bottle kit shipping, sampling guidelines, and an easy-to-read report.
In order for the analytical test results to be valid, samples must be collected according to the sampling guidelines provided, returned in the materials supplied, and must be received by the laboratory within twenty-four (24) hours of when the samples are collected.
For more information on how residential testing works, please view the video below.
Please make return shipping arrangements by guaranteed overnight carrier. Return shipping is not included; however, hand delivery is recommended.
Samples are accepted Monday through Thursday. There is an additional charge if Bacteria samples are brought in on Friday.
Residential Package #1:
Tests for Coliform Bacteria (presence/absence for total coliforms and E. Coli)
Cost: $75
*Prices are subject to change
Test results are delivered in 3-5 business days from the date samples were received by the laboratory.
Residential Package #2:
Tests for the following:
· Coliform Bacteria (Residential Package#1)
· Primary Safe Drinking Water Standards including: antimony, arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, fluoride, lead, mercury, nitrate, selenium, and thalium
Cost: $240
*Prices are subject to change
Test results are delivered in 15 business days from the date samples were received by the laboratory.
Residential Package #3
Tests for the following:
· Coliform Bacteria (Residential Package#1)
· Primary Safe Drinking Water Standards including: antimony, arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, fluoride, lead, mercury, nitrate, selenium, and thalium
· Secondary Safe Drinking Water Standards including: alkalinity, calcium, chloride, color, copper, iron, hardness, magnesium, manganese, sodium, pH, sulfate, total dissolved solids, turbidity, and zinc
Cost: $450
*Prices are subject to change
Test results are delivered in 15 business days from the date samples were received by the laboratory.
2445 North Coyote Drive, Suite 104 Tucson, Arizona 85745
Ph. 520-882-5880
Fax: 520-882-9788 Email: frontdesk@turnerlabs.com
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday
8AM to 5PM
Please note some samples are accepted Monday – Thursday.
Arizona Department of Health Services License Number AZ0066
Turner Labs © Copyright 2024. All Rights Reserved
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